Volunteer FAQ

Do I need to have prior experience or training to become a firefighter?
No experience is necessary to join Sergeantsville Volunteer Fire Company. We provide you with training at our bi-monthly drill nights and classes through the Hunterdon County Emergency Services Training Center.

Will I get paid?
We are a 100% volunteer organization and do not receive financial compensation; however, there are many other benefits of joining.

How much time do I have to donate as a volunteer?
This is entirely up to you! Our volunteers work, attend school and take care of their families, so we understand that they cannot answer every call and appreciate the time they can donate to the fire company.

I’m under 18, how can I volunteer?
Our junior firefighting program is for teenagers ages 16 and 17. They participate in drill nights and training, and assist on fire calls.

Can I volunteer without fighting fires?
Absolutely! We are seeking fire police to direct traffic during emergencies as well as associate members to assist with administrative duties and fundraising tasks.

How do I sign up?
To learn more, fill out an inquiry form on the Join Us page. Your information will be sent to our recruitment committee who will contact you shortly and invite you for a tour of the station.

“Sergeantsville Fire has been where I've had some of the best experiences of my life and where I've had the biggest impact on others' lives.”
- Lieutenant Jack McKevitt

Want to Learn More?

Are you ready to join something bigger than yourself?

Because we are ready to welcome you, train you and help you succeed.